The 4th of July. Independence Day. The day we
celebrate our freedom. A day people blow their hands off lighting fireworks — because
they can.

Everybody is entitled to their own perspective. That’s another thing that makes
this a great country.
With all the uncertainty out there, one thing I know for sure — things are different now. This
is definitely not the America from my childhood. And I’m not even that old. Things
are different now because things change. Sometimes for the better, sometimes
not. People change too. We’re now a culture that wants everything, right now,
because we think we're entitled. Who says?
The economy sucks. The American dream is hanging on by a
thread. People seem to go from seemingly normal to bat-shit crazy, at a much faster rate.
But guess what — we’re still free. We’ve fucked things up
time and time again over the course of hundreds of years, and we’re still free.
That’s saying something.
Even though these are troubled times, I’m still proud to live here. Still happy that I can pretty
much go where I want, when I want. If I work hard, good things might happen. If
I stay out of trouble and use good judgment, I get to make my own way. Not every
place on this earth can say those things.
So, maybe July 4th shouldn’t just be called
Independence Day. Maybe we should call it, “Stop bitching for one day and just
realize you’re still free,” day. No anti-America, anti-Obama or “give me back
my guns” facebook posts — for just one day. Whattya say? We can do it! This is America! Home of the free
— and the bat-shit crazy.
Have a fun, and safe, 4th of July.
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